With the so-called freeze on settlements about to expire (which in fact it has been ongoing) We take our hats off to the brave individuals who are standing up to the inhumane boycott of Gaza and attempting to draw world attention to the plight by bringing in needed supplies. who will forget the 9 individuals who were killed aboard when Israeli troops attempted to commandeer their ship? (To learn more read the article "Rough Passage" about a former U.S. Marine on board the flotilla)
Today a group of Jewish activists set sail for Gaza aboard a 32 foot boat called the Irene. (Learn more) Jews for Justice for Palestinians is one of the organizers. Unfortunately, U.S. media often ignores Jewish and Palestinian peace activists and organizations. (Note: a search of both the New York Times and CNN did not bring up a story about Kenneth O'Keefe and his experiences aboard the flotilla; nor did either organization feature a news brief on the Russell Tribunal on Israel. There are a number of outlets that attempt to balance the coverage. "Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines" is one example of providing a critical slant of Israel in order to counter balance the pro-Israeli corporate media.
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Arab-Jewish Partnership (Israelis & Palestinians striving together to end the Israeli occupation and to achieve full civil equality through daily non-violent direct-action)
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