It shouldn't come as a shock that the Zionist state was Apartheid South Africa's biggest military supporter. A new book by Polakow-Suransky unearths much of the sordid history.
Israel's annual military exports to South Africa between 1974 and 1993 at $600 million, which made South Africa Israel's second or third largest trading partner after the United States and Britain. Military aircraft updates in the mid-1980s alone accounted for some $2 billion, according to correspondence he obtained. He puts the total military trade between the countries at well above $10 billion over the two decades. Read more here
This actually should come as no surprise. what is surprising, though, is the shock effect the book seems to be having, calling Israel's myth of a morally superior country into question. Glenn Frankel (Foreign Policy) raises the question: After all, if Israel is just another standard-issue country that conducts business with pariah states and lies about it, why should America be concerned about its fate?
In America no one would want to be caught having supported and propped up the inhumane regime. But today, because of the rampant Anti-Arabism and Islamophobia that one encounters in the West that Israel goes largely unquestioned by the mass media (and Jews and Jewish groups who question Israeli policies are ignored).
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