2013 Fossil Fuel Disasters

What a Year: 45 Fossil Fuel Disasters the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know About ...Will you want to memorize this list? Probably not. And it may not make for the kind of polite dinner talk that others will enjoy. Here are a few ideas for New Year's dinner party conversation starters: "Do you think that 2014 will have more or less fossil fuel disasters than 2013?" Okay. How about: What happened on March 29, 2013? Answer: An ExxonMobil pipeline carrying...Read more. Not sure if that'll get the party started. Well, how about this:
Let's see if there was a disaster on your birthday?...Who was born on [pick a disaster date]?" The winner gets a gift certificate to the local gas station.
Well, if these ideas don't float we could always invent a new version of the board game "Sorry": 45 squares to move around the board (one for each disaster); a deck of cards. You can draw a disaster - which will allow you to move your "car" to the matching square. Positive and negative numbers that move you either forward or backwards. The goal is to "drive" your car to the final square - "a gas station". Enjoy. For ages 4 - 94.

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