July 4 - Independence Day. Well, the nation celebrates independence from the Brits and yet moves ever closer to the brink of complete disaster. When you look across the pond and Great Britain, it doesn't seem today to have been such a cataclysmic event in gaining independence. After all, the USA and the other British Commonwealth countries, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have more in common that not.
Perhaps the 4th of July should be set aside as a celebration for the future. A True and authentic Independence Day would be one in which the USA is independent from its current masters - the petroleum industry.
If Avatar is the film for this century, then Michael Jackson's Earth Song, released in the early 90's, remains the anthem of choice as we begin to face the return of our deeds against the Earth.
Learn more about the song at HuffPost here or visit Joe Vogel's site here.
Learn about the environment on earth here.
Consider the environment on Pandora here
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