A new bill introduced in Iran would ban dog ownership (click here for more information). Once again the clerics have shown just how far out of touch they are with the Movement of Spirit and we can only hope that it spurs Iranians on to removing these misguided legalists from power. Sadly, many dogs are, in fact, mistreated in Islamic societies. Some would legitimize the mistreatment of dogs under the banner of anti-colonialism/anti-Westernism, and attempt to justify the practice by calling the keeping of dogs "un-Islamic." Thankfully, not all Islamic groups agree. The Rose Sufi Crescent, for example, points their members back to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who, apparently, commended people for showing compassion to dogs. Learn more.
In our opinion, in order for the earth and all its creatures to survive (including humanity) an earth based spirituality must evolve. This doesn't mean that it will replace the existing religions, but that it will permeate and transform those religious traditions. Scholars and clerics from all of the world's wisdom traditions will have to revisit the sacred texts and draw out the earth centered, creature friendly, aspects. Taking care of dogs and cats, in our opinion, is one place to begin and then enlarging the circle to include all animals.
Learn more about spirituality on Earth here
Consider spirituality on Pandora here
We have solidarity with the dog owners of Tehran who are fighting to protect their beloved family members.
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