How to Stop the War Machine
It's interesting to compare civil opposition to the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to that during the Vietnam ear. You would think that with all the IT capes the Left would have been able to organize to "bring them home". So where are all the protesters? Which university campus has had a sit-in this week? Oh wait - how about this year (or last, for that matter)? Today's American Left is demoralized in the face of an apathetic youth. With the growing political power of those who ruled the streets in the '60's, there is still one last chance to end the war machine (and it wasn't vested in electing Obama). Here is the only plan that will do it -
1. War Tax. We need legislation that requires that the cost of war be taxed outright and balanced by the end of the year. No more deficit fighting! If the democracy wants to war, then each member must pay for it on a yearly basis. So, if the war costs a X per year then we must divide X by the number of tax payers. We guarantee that from then on people will pay attention when the drums start beating. Is this a war that the USA must fight? will be on everyone's lips. No more make war to get out the votes.
2. Education. We must make conflict resolution and peace studies a central part of the K-16 curriculum. Every child instinctively knows how to make a fist and punch someone. Humans need to be taught alternative ways to violence.
3. Stop selling weapons to "developing" nations and entrenched dictators. It is crucial that the West, particularly the USA, scale back its sales of arms to other nations. Today much of the world's war machinery is being driven by military export sales from the West to the Rest. The money that the Rest could be spending on infrastructure (education, social services, roads, technology) instead goes into purchasing Western weapons. A case in point is the fact that Europe fell over itself to help Gadaffi - read
4. Pursue international arms dealers. Most deaths around the world are caused by small arms (read more). International arms dealers often traffic in small arms. The world must stand united in pursuing these ruthless individuals with the same energy and gusto that the world pursues international terrorists.
5. Strengthen real international treaties such as the ban on land mines. Stopping the war machine can only happen through a concerted effort on the part of all people of good will. It must take place through international regimes that slowly dismantle the means of death (land mines, cluster bombs, small arms, etc.) and sideline the merchants of death.
6. Universal Draft. Yes, one of the big accomplishments of the Left was to end the draft. Well, it was the death sentence to the Peace Movement. College students could bury their heads in the attitude that "well, they signed up." Parents could forget about the kids who are over there because theirs are safe. Only by making war truly democratic will civil society respond appropriately.
Eisenhower's speech on the military-industrial complex - here
Iran: Dog Ownership to Be Outlawed under Lawmaker's Plan
A new bill introduced in Iran would ban dog ownership (click here for more information). Once again the clerics have shown just how far out of touch they are with the Movement of Spirit and we can only hope that it spurs Iranians on to removing these misguided legalists from power. Sadly, many dogs are, in fact, mistreated in Islamic societies. Some would legitimize the mistreatment of dogs under the banner of anti-colonialism/anti-Westernism, and attempt to justify the practice by calling the keeping of dogs "un-Islamic." Thankfully, not all Islamic groups agree. The Rose Sufi Crescent, for example, points their members back to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad who, apparently, commended people for showing compassion to dogs. Learn more.
In our opinion, in order for the earth and all its creatures to survive (including humanity) an earth based spirituality must evolve. This doesn't mean that it will replace the existing religions, but that it will permeate and transform those religious traditions. Scholars and clerics from all of the world's wisdom traditions will have to revisit the sacred texts and draw out the earth centered, creature friendly, aspects. Taking care of dogs and cats, in our opinion, is one place to begin and then enlarging the circle to include all animals.
Learn more about spirituality on Earth here
Consider spirituality on Pandora here
We have solidarity with the dog owners of Tehran who are fighting to protect their beloved family members.
Stop the Belo Monte Dam
Calling all Global Pandorans - watch James Cameron deliver a critical message - here. Or watch Sigourney Weaver narrate "Defending the Rivers of the Amazon" - here
Yes we can!
We beat the Earthdestoyers on Pandora, and we can beat them in the Amazon. It's time for global citizens to take the battle to the Amazon.
Gear up for the fight at Amazon Watch!
Learn about indigenous rights on earth here
Consider Navi rights on Pandora - here
Holding the USA Accountable
Somewhere in Texas, on a cold morning, an old cowboy is squatting around the camp fire on a chilly day, holding that hot cup of coffee just a foot from the fire and, smacking his lips, he grunts - "noooope, there just ain't no such thing as global warming. Toooo damn chilly this mornin'"
Well, if you haven't seen Al Gore's updated views since an Inconvenient Truth, you ought to - click here. The issue, for Gore, is no longer how do we prove to the public that global warming is real. It is do we have the political will to move it to the top of our agenda? Can all three generations the world over approach this very serious and deadly issue with the same determination that people all over the world did when they prepared for WWI and WWII?
Joseph E. Stiglitz, in his book Making Globalization Work, argues that environmental polluters, such as the USA, should be economically punished (pp.176 - 177). He points out that the USA set a precedent at the WTO when it forced Thailand to use turtle-friendly nets when catching shrimp. If Thailand had refused, the USA would have been within their right to level trade sanctions. Stiglitz argues that this should hold for U.S. business that destroy the environment. This, in effect, would force the USA to adhere to International protocols (i.e. Kyoto) even thought they refuse to sign.
Learn more about the environment on earth - here
Consider the environment on Pandora - here
Cultural Intelligence
CEOs aren't even going to look at someone in management who doesn't have this capability Learn more
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