Not long ago Former President Clinton warned that "the Tea Party is a Corporate Front." He's probably right in the fact that it did not begin as a wild grass roots organization, sprung from the democratic soil. Instead, it started as a GMO product, spun in some dark cigar filled room as a movement designed to play on the collective White angst of a Black man as president.
Although it pretends to offer new ideas, some of it's ideological roots can be traced back to the Grinch who's been trying to steal Christmas, Newt Gingrich. Throw into the witches brew a mixture of Ayn Rand, nostalgia for Reagan, White Power, gun loving, fear of other, fundamentalist Christian (with a little Mormon thrown in) and you may come close to the brew they're serving. (Tea Party recipe for economics)
The funny thing is that they claim to be offering a new solution to the current crises facing America. In fact, it's the same old - deregulation of everything but the moral landscape.
When a company goes into Chapter 11 and stores remain open it becomes a zombie. Selling off its wares, it begins to feed on revenues from healthy stores, taking them towards bankruptcy. In the same way, the cup they are offering is bankrupt. The current global financial crises is a result of deregulation and runaway capitalist greed. Putting new clothes on a cadaver, and pumping it full of adrenaline, won't bring it back to life. It'll only turn it into a flesh eating zombie. - Beware!
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