60 days is a long time when it comes to the amount of oil that was spilling daily into the gulf.
James Cameron assembled a team, submitted a 25 page report on what to do about the Gulf Oil spill, but it was ignored. 60 days later BP and the gov arrived at the same strategy.
""The thing is, it was the right answer 60 days ago when we gave them that report," Cameron said. "That means you've got a million gallons a day, times 60 days, pouring into the gulf. [That's] 60 million gallons of oil." Read more
James Cameron "is considered an expert in the technology of deep-sea diving, having used submersibles in a succession of his films.In addition to his own submersible creations, Cameron has worked with the Russian-made Mir submarines on lease from the Russian Academy of Sciences...He has filmed at depths of as much as two miles – twice the depth of the Deepwater Horizon well." Read more
Meanwhile, we now know that oil has entered the food chain: ""It would suggest the oil has reached a position where it can start moving up the food chain instead of just hanging in the water," said Bob Thomas, a biologist at Loyola University in New Orleans. "Something likely will eat those oiled larvae ... and then that animal will be eaten by something bigger and so on...Tiny creatures might take in such low amounts of oil that they could survive, Thomas said. But those at the top of the chain, such as dolphins and tuna, could get fatal "megadoses." Read more
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