Lena Horne Remembered

Jazz legend and social activist Lena Horne passed away on Sunday at age 92. Learn more about this amazing woman at NPR here and Al Jazeera here

Visit our site on protest music from the civil rights era through hip hop and rock here where the song is more powerful than the regime!

On Agression

by Leah Poller, Army Bed

The impulse of aggressive "is as ancient and deeply embedded as sexual drive, and the two occasionally go hand in hand. Both act as our most primal means of self-preservation. Like sexuality, aggression is looked upon as taboo in many cultures, even though it is a necessary mechanism for survival and self-expression. But while both impulses can cloud our ability to make rational decisions, aggression alone finds its ultimate articulation in the destruction of human life. From a shove on the subway to murder, war, and genocide, the aggressive impulse defines a spectrum of human behavior that we are often loath to confront..." Read more at Philoctetes (the multidisciplinary study of imagination)

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Anti-War Street Art in Kabul

Chand Ast from Talibanksy on Vimeo.

Read about it here

Art is a powerful means of protest and a wonderful alternative to violence. To learn more about conflict and alternative strategies on Earth visit our page here.

Preparing for the Next Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

How many catastrophes on the scale of Deepwater Horizon oil spill can the planet take? Will this be the last time? We recently learned that "Right now at Venice, the state and federal agencies are training literally hundreds of shrimpers and other fisherman on the proper techniques for boom deployment in hopes that, when the seas subside, these volunteers can start to work." [Here] Once again, too little too late.

Here is a simple list of planning for the next oil spill that should be considered:

1. All oil rigs should be premanently enclosed with an inner and outer ring of inflatables to contain leakage. These inflatables would automatically inflate at the first warning sign.

2. Located close to oil rigs would be a first responder team that would have engineers, robots, explosives, chemicals, etc. available to fight the leakage, depending on the cause. These first responders would be able to arrive in less than 30 minutes.

3. All oil companies would be required to have pre-approved emergency plans in place to address the emergency. These plans would be open to public scrutiny.

4. The National Guard would be trained in maritime actions and would be on stand by for emergencies of this magnitude and would be able to deploy in less than 24 hours.
(This, of course, would mean an additional step: All national guard units would be prohibited from engaging in foreign adventures / deployments and would, instead, be strictly trained and focused on supporting first responders). Learn more about current guard role in the oil spill here

5. All fishermen would undergo yearly training to learn how to assist.

The best prevention, though, is for us to get off oil.

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"As Oil Spill Spreads, Docs Show BP Downplayed Risk"

Of course they did. Read the article here.

The sad truth is that so does the entire industry, no exceptions. But let's dig a little deeper: so does the Republican party and all those who chanted a long with Palin "Drill Baby Drill!" But, lest we forget, President Obama is equally to finger. Obama was wiling to risk oil spills to woe centrist voters who swing according to the price of gas per gallon. It was only after the disaster that Obama reversed course.

But let's keep digging. We are all guilty. Every one of us. No drilling technology, or oil transportation method, is without risk. This should be a wake up call and lead to a mass mobilization of the world's economy to shift to other energy sources. Our fear is that it is only a news cycle.

"Biggest Oil Spills in History" - Learn more

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"Government Doubles Previous Oil Flow Estimate for BP Well" June 10, 2010