Slavoj Zizek examines why liberal capitalistic society may be heading towards a collapse in an interview here.
Are there still antagonisms or problems that can be kept in check, or problems that can be resolved within the liberal democratic-capitalist domain?
For Zizek the current model won't be able to avert a total meltdown. His new book examines the problems in economics, environmental crises, etc.
For Zizek we all know that we are in deep problem, but we are also in a state of disavowal over what is really happening, where we are heading and what the consequences will be.
Obviously, we all are locked in a frame of mind where we postpone important decisions and continually borrow from the future to pay for the present. Imagine this: a man, in his late 50s, professional, very successful, high salary, severely obese, drinking problem, gambling problem, credit cards maxed out, huge mortgage debt, working hard to pay debt, one paycheck away from bankruptcy, suspicious of all neighbors, convinced that everyone is out to get him, problems at home with the kids, going from one doctor to another without making any lifestyle changes, believing that he has achieved the "dream" but living in terror that it could be taken away at any moment. OK - imagine that and now call him Sam.